(1) 输出商品列表,用户输入序号,显示用户选中的商品.
页面显示 序号 + 商品名称,如: 1 手机 2 电脑(2): 用户输入选择的商品序号,然后打印商品名称(3):如果用户输入的商品序号有误,则提示输入有误,并重新输入。(4):用户输入Q或者q,退出程序。flag = Truewhile flag: li = ['手机', '电脑', '鼠标垫', '游艇'] for i in li: print('{}\t{}'.format(li.index(i) + 1, i)) num_of_choose = input('请输入选择的商品序号(按Q退出,不区分大小写):') if num_of_choose.isdigit(): num_of_choose = int(num_of_choose) if num_of_choose > 0 and num_of_choose <= len(li): print(li[num_of_choose - 1]) else:print('请输入有效数字!') elif num_of_choose.upper() == 'Q': flag = False else: print('请输入整数!')
要求用户输入总资产,例如:2000显示商品列表,让用户根据序号选择商品,加入购物车购买,如果商品总额大于总资产,提示账户余额不足,否则,购买成功。goods = [ { "name": "电脑", "price": 1999}, { "name": "鼠标", "price": 10}, { "name": "游艇", "price": 20}, { "name": "美女", "price": 998} ]total = 0flag = Truemoney = input('请输入您的总资产:')while flag: for i in goods: print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(goods.index(i) + 1, i['name'], i['price'])) num_of_choose = input('请选择商品的序号(按Q退出,不区分大小写):') if num_of_choose.isdigit(): num_of_choose = int(num_of_choose) if num_of_choose > 0 and num_of_choose <= len(goods): total = total + goods[num_of_choose - 1]['price'] if total < int(money): print('成功加入购物车!') print('你当前选择的商品为:{}\t价格为:{}'.format(goods[num_of_choose - 1]['name'],goods[num_of_choose - 1]['price'])) print('总价为:{}'.format(total)) else: print('账户余额不足!') flag = False else:print('请输入有效数字!') elif num_of_choose.upper() == 'Q': flag = False else:print('请输入整数!')
# 把货物放在货架上li = [ { 'name':'苹果', 'price':1}, { 'name':'香蕉', 'price':1}, { 'name':'西瓜', 'price':10}, { 'name':'橘子', 'price':0.5},]shopping_car = {} # 建立一个空购物车print('欢迎光临水果店')money = input('让我看看你有多少钱:')if money.isdigit() and int(money) > 0: while 1: for i,k in enumerate(li): print('序号:{}\t商品:{}\t价格:{}'.format(i, k['name'], k['price'])) choose = input('请输入您要购买的商品序号:') if choose.isdigit() and int(choose) < len(li): num = input('您要购买的商品数量:') if num.isdigit(): if int(money) > li[int(choose)]['price'] * int(num): money = int(money) - li[int(choose)]['price'] * int(num) if li[int(choose)]['name'] in shopping_car: shopping_car[li[int(choose)]['name']] += int(num) # 若商品已经在购物车中, 则增加数量 else: shopping_car[li[int(choose)]['name']] = int(num) print('购物车中的商品有:{}\t\t您的余额为:{}'.format(shopping_car,money)) else: print('余额不足') break else: print('您输入的序号有误')